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  Comix RDD for Clipper 5.x

  Comix is an RDD for Clipper 5.x which uses our patented indexing technology
  (USP 4,811,199 and patents pending).  Comix provides the smallest fastest
  indexes available.

  Some of the key benefits of Comix are:

   o   The best overall compression of any index format.
   o   The best index creation times.
   o   The best update performance of any index format.
   o   Multiple indexes per file (compound indexes), as well single index
   o   Up to 63 indexes per workarea in any combination of stand-alone or
       compound indexes.
   o   Auto-use of compound index when the database is brought into use.
   o   Complete compatibility with standard INDEX syntax and use.
   o   Complete compatibility with the new 5.2 standard RDD functions for easy
       migration from 5.01 to 5.2.
   o   Powerful but simple extensions to provide new capabilities with minimal
       additional syntax to learn.
   o   Conditional indexes (i.e., keys are kept for only records which meet a
       condition, such as unpaid invoices).


  Comix uses the Clipper 5.x RDD (Replaceable Database Driver) specification
  to seamlessly provide its indexing capability to Clipper apps.

  In Clipper 5.x, each workarea has an RDD associated with it (usually the

  When you issue the statement INDEX ON ..., Clipper calls a function to
  create an index.  In Clipper 5.x, rather than calling a single fixed
  function, Clipper will vector that request to an RDD's function for 
  creating an index.  By default, Clipper uses the DBFNTX RDD.  This RDD 
  provides the standard NTX index capabilities.

  However, by using a different RDD, Clipper will vector to a different
  function to create the index file.  When using CMX, Clipper will vector the
  INDEX ON statement to the CMX index creation function (rather than DBFNTX's
  index creation function).

  This system makes using Comix as simple as re-linking; you don't even have
  to change your source code.  Of course, once you're up and working, you may
  want to change your code to take advantage of the Comix RDD's many advanced


  All tests were performed on a 40 Mhz 386 with a 105 MB IDE Drive and 
  Clipper 5.01a.  DBFSIX 1.1B was used for all DBFSIX tests.

     Index Creation

     These tests show the speed of index creation.  (Time in seconds)

     Test                            DBFNTX  DBFSIX  Comix
     Index on first                  14.88    15.27    5.49
     Index on last                   14.34    15.16    5.43
     Index on age                    13.07    17.03    8.19
     Index on last + first + state   21.58    26.21   10.38
     Index on lastcall               16.31    14.78    4.89
     Total Time:                     80.19    88.45   34.38

     SEEK Test

     These tests show how quickly a record can be isolated using a SEEK.  
     This is important in two areas.  First, whenever you are doing a SEEK
     to find a specific record (such as customer record).

     Second, it shows up dramatically when you have a RELATION set.  Each 
     access to a record requires a SEEK in the child database to find the 
     related record(s).  (Time in seconds)

     SEEK Key            DBFNTX  DBFSIX  Comix
     FIRST               4.67    3.24     1.21
     LAST                4.67    3.18     1.26
     AGE                 2.03    4.28     1.21
     LAST + FIRST + AGE  9.11    7.81     2.36
     LASTCALL            2.91    4.28     1.42
     Total Time         23.39   22.79     7.46

     Index Maintenance

     This test APPEND's 1000 records to a 5000 record database with the five
     indexes (FIRST, LAST, etc.) in use.

     This test is intended to show how quickly indexes can be maintained 
     during updates.  The APPEND test is a good metric, as it requires all 
     indexes which are in use to be updated.

     This is important for two reasons.  First, it means your current update
     operations will go faster.  Second it means that you can have more 
     indexes open to quickly isolate/order records while still improving 
     performance. (Time in seconds)

     Test                    DBFNTX  DBFSIX  Comix
     Append 1000 Records     258.86  172.03   17.31

     Index Compression (Size)

     This test shows the size of indexes before and after the APPEND 1000
     records.  It shows that Comix not only creates small indexes to begin 
     with, but keeps them small as records are added and changed.

     KEY                        Comix            NTX              SIX
                             Before/After    Before/After    Before/After
     FIRST                   29696    44032  165888  330752   21504   40960
     LAST                    22696    43008  165888  328704   21504   40960
     AGE                     27648    37888   62464  124928   19456   36352
     LAST + FIRST + STATE    88064   121856  288768  574464  170496  248320
     LASTCALL                34816    47104   98304  194560   24064   45568
      Total                   209920  293888  781312 1553408  257024  412160

  How to Order

  Comix comes with a 30 day no hassle money back guarantee.  You are free to
  try it out in your applications and see what it can do for you.  Please
  contact us if you have any more questions.

  Comix is currently available for $129 + 5 s/h.

  For maximum performance try our ClipMax Bundle: Comix & ClipMore Query
  Optmizer for $179 + 5 s/h.

  (VS/MC/COD Accepted)

  To order, or if you have any further questions, please contact us at:

  Mail:   LoadStone Inc.
          215 Barmount Drive
          Columbia, SC 29210

  CIS:    71202,1315
  Fax:    803/731-9798
  Phone:  803/731-9128

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson